A common phrase exists among traders. "Price gaps get filled". But how often do they get filled? and what does a price gap mean?
Expert Larry Williams has uploaded his 2022 forecast to Youtube, providing insightful analysis into previous prediction accuracy along with trends to look out for in 2022.
With stock market indices at all-time highs and corporate valuations reaching questionable levels, most investors are understandably looking for investments that can provide them with steady returns at minimal risk.
January has almost passed, and investors are looking ahead to what 2022 will bring. If you have experience in the markets, you’ll know the concept of the January Barometer, and in this post, we’ll dig a little deeper into this theory and try to understand it.
There’s no doubt cryptocurrency and stock trading get more popular every day. Gamified apps make it easy to trade stocks and crypto, and social media spread the word like wildfire.