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students and members thoughts

TRI students submitted their honest thoughts about TRI 

Warwick (GB)

Level 3 Alumnus

"A truly life changing experience. TRI has given me the tools to take a living from the market, at the same time as providing a supporting, fun community."

Leanne J. (GB)

Level 3 Alumnus

"A huge thanks to the TRI Team from me! Within a year of completing the TRI course I’m well on my way to having a viable trading business, it has enabled me to finish an unfulfilling job, make financial dreams a reality and feel more fulfilled with life in general. I am comfortable in applying fundamental and advanced technical analysis tools in various markets, not just cryptocurrencies, and I understand key principles such as set-up application, risk management and trading plan design. Whether you have previous trading experience or are just starting out I strongly recommend this course. As a working Mum a degree of flexibility in course delivery and support beyond the lectures were important factors in my choice. The course enables catch up with videos on demand, there is an extensive library of resources and the teaching staff are easy to talk to online. As my trading career develops I’m growing in self-confidence and love being part of such a diverse and rewarding community."

Joshua M. (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Better than good. I was looking for a resource to help me learn how to better manage my retirement accounts through Technical/Fundamental Analysis and also learn more about the developing crypto space. After many months of researching online I came across Brian Beamish's 10 minute Fib Tutorial and knew right then I had found the right fit for me. Later that week I signed up as a basic member and my first 2 months in the lounge and library were life changing and delivered way more than I had hoped. By the end of my first 90 days learning and applying what I'd learned with my basic site membership my account was up just over 350% which is a testament to Brian's knowledge and how special of an incubator TRI is. Add to that completing the Level 1 of the school in early 2018 which again surpassed all of my extremely high expectations. Im currently enrolled for Level 2 and really appreciate everyone at TRI for all they've done to help me grow and learn. THANK YOU."

Sanne (NL)

Level 3 Alumnus

"No doubt. TRI has changed my life, in a positive way, enormously. It has helped me to develop the right mindset and has given me the tools to successfully trade highly volatile assets like Bitcoin. I am, and will always be grateful for finding, learning from, and sharing with TRI and it's community. It truly is, a winning lottery ticket. A safe harbor for anyone who wants to give trading a shot. Watch and learn from the best in your own tempo and get some serious positive mentally attitude in the process. Brian, TRI and fellow community members, thank you!"

Sonny (BE)

Level 2

"TRI is a true life changer. I came to the community with zero expectations. I followed the daylie briefs for six months and after it I was blown away. The value is as never seen before and the way the site teaches you how to become a kick ass trader ? Well that just resonated 100% for me. I feel blessed that I found TRI and now am able to have a side income which will soon replace my day job!"

Oscar C. (VE)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Before this course I was basically gambling. With Brian you’re not only going to learn how to read and chart Technical Analysis, also you’ll… understand how the markets work, common mistakes and a lot of tested setups. Another incredible tool is the 1-on-1 tutorials he offers, because you can always ask any questions about areas you may be in doubt and he will with patience try to help you. This is priceless. Right now I’m comfortable making my own decisions without fear, playing with custom indicators, setups and all thanks to the tools I got from the course and other students. Basically this is my best investment I have made since I started trading."

Will (US)

Level 1

"The best investment I've ever made."

Bart S. (NL)

Level 1

"Love the TRI community, the ideas, the high quality classes and the willingness to help each other"

Jesse R. (US)

Level 1

"I have learned a life changing skill here at TRI!!! Much value in the level one program."

James C. (AU)

Level 3 Alumnus

"I consider the TRI team to be very professional, reliable and overall very consistent in meeting the objectives they set out to provide though the membership features. Having been a member for one year and taken all three courses I can honestly say that the education and general advice provided via this service is the greatest investment I have ever made. Brian has an infectious and charismatic personality and a genuine desire for you to achieve your personal goals. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day – teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. Highly recommended and great value service. Rational analysis for the win!"

David E. (US)

Level 1

"TRI and Brain are the best! I've been in the community for about a year and have taken the Level 1 training class and I can easily say it's been one of the best investments of my time and money in my life. I was a Series 7 and 66 financial advisor years ago... and I can tell you, having those credentials teaches you next to nothing compared to what you can learn from Brian. I've made money and learned to take appropriate risk in the marketplace, which is the name of the game! I look forward to the Daily Briefs and I'm looking forward to completing Level 2 and 3 when they come around. Thank you TRI for an awesome overall experience!"

Ivan (NL)

Level 1

"Doing the TRI school program is a life changer for me. Before, I had no clue how to make money with trading. After the first school semester I already felt confident there actually is a system and a path to how to make this work. Thank you so much for all I have learned so far and I'm eager to keep learning more."

Alex B (DE)

Level 1

"I don't even know where to begin... TRI has shown me that there is also a Good side of the financial world as well and inspire me to want to be part of it"

Dr. Frederico M. (BR)

Level 1

"Simply put: you will never, EVER, find another community in capital markets with so many smart, friendly and altruistic people. Brian is probably an alien helping making the world a better place."

Jonathan B. (CA)

Level 3 Alumnus

"It would not surprise me if at the end it will turn out that attending TRI’s School was the best investment I made during my life. My eyes are now open and I can see"

Davinci J. (CL)

Level 3 Alumnus

"I never thought I would learn how to trade but The Rational Investor educated me and now over many years I have done very, very well. Thanks TRI!!!"

Tim B. (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"The course taught me not only technical analysis, but also lifelong lessons on how all markets work. It paid for itself even before I completed it."

Michael Z. (GB)

Level 1

"I honestly had not believed when I first joined the team a few months ago what an immense wealth of knowledge, experience and leadership I would expose myself to. A truly life-changing decision!"

Joey R. (AU)

Level 1

"TRI helped me understand the basics and then the intricacies of how markets work and how to make money from them"

Josh M. (GB)

Level 3 Alumnus

"TRI completely changed my life.. I have always wanted to learn trading, and TRI was my way into the game where I felt confident and safe taking action (or avoiding action) in the marketplace. With the level 1 program I doubled my investments many times over.. and even through big market dumps, I knew when to get out and was safe.. I have a lot more to learn so I'm excited for level 2 & 3.. and I'm so happy to be in this awesome community :D"

Andres G. (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Great Experience!! probably of everything you see out there the best course for somebody that wants to really become a trader!!! you guys rock!!"

Jonas K. (DE)

Level 1


Gianni F. (MX)

Level 2

"In one sentence... Brian and TRI's school program had changed my life! Trading is my new full day job :)"

MrMoe (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"TRI has transformed me as an Investor who better understands $Value - @ItsMrMoe"

Omar M. (US)

Level 1

"TRI is the real deal and completely changed my life after I took their level one course. Brian, and the TRI community teach people how to trade like professionals!"

Csaba (RS)

Level 2

"TRI people are great, Brian is a great teacher, a very nice person who really cares for his students (and people in general). Members at TRI are very helpful, there are many active full time and part time traders, it is a community of very nice people."

CQ Rogers (US)

Level 1

"I learned more about how the world really works in twelve weeks as a Level 1 student than I did in my twelve years in college (which is what it took me to get my BS, MSH, and PhD.) Taking this class (and partaking in the daily briefs and the whole TRI experience) has probably been, and continues to be the most interesting, challenging, emotionally satisfying, and rewarding decision I've made."

Michael W. (AU)

Level 1

"Through TRI I have learnt to become a trader who only makes logical decisions, sticks to my trading plan so that I have an edge in the markets. If I'm not sure about the market I also have a great community to turn to for more clarity on whats happening in the market which I think is extremely beneficial."

Carol K (PE)

Level 2

"What I've learned from Lvl 1-2 has completely changed the way I look at the market. I have so much more confidence now, and I'm super grateful to Brian and the TRI community, it's a goldmine."

David S. (US)

Level 1

"Excellent course"

Frank S. (CN)

Level 1

"After level 1 I found my passion for day trading and currently 80% of my trades are profitable. I still make many mistakes and have so much to learn, but I'm confident I can get better because of the friends and mentors I found in the TRI Community."

Michael E. (CA)

Level 1

"I read many reviews before signing up, and many said something along the lines of "Life changing!"... They were right, of course... I'm halfway through Level 1 and already I'm feeling "life changing!" is an understatement."

Senter (US)

Level 2

"TRI is life changing if you embrace it. Brian is a wonderful human being willing to share his gifts and himself. He has built a remarkable team and community while teaching us history, finance, how markets work, and how to be good people in general."

Tim B. (US)

Level 2

"TRI Gave me the knowledge and helped me build the foundation I needed to feel confident trading and how to manage risks in the marketplace. A highly recommended course for all those new to Crypto and trading."

David C. (AU)

Level 2

"The professional investor training courses and community at TRI is second to none. I can put my hand on my heart and say you won't find a more informed trainer and community when it comes to trading crypto or the broader market."

Andrei (AU)

Level 1

"I will never look at the market the same way thanks to TRI! Has changed my life!"

Nelson C. (AU)

Level 3 Alumnus

"TRI level 1 has not only taught me how to analyse the markets, but how to manage risk within my portfolio. Where I once was trading emotions, I'm now trading proper setups and making a lot of money doing it."

Miguel C. (PT)

Level 1

"In today's online sea of deceit, easy money and no skin in the game, TRI is one of the very few exceptions that you can trust to deliver trading education with extreme value for money, candid and true market analysis and a general super positive community vibe. There's a new site coming with a lot of features to take your (crypto) trading to the next level. Subscription is dirt cheap for what you get back. A big thanks to Brian and all the TRI helpers!"

Michael K. (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Brian and the community at TRI taught me to believe in myself. I go forward knowing my dreams can come true."

Andrey K. (ES)

Level 3 Alumnus

"While being in crypto for couple of years before I become a TRI member and a level 1 student, I was making a lot of nonsense and dangerous decisions on The Market, but now I feel rock solid and all my positions are free - even I have a long way ahead to be a proper shark I recon I'm already a quite well prepared investor! Way To Go TRI!"

Will D. (US)

Level 2

"TRI is a unique business venture that teaches trading and risk management. Brian has 30+years trading experience, a heart of gold and he has a great support team. In the members lounge you will interact with a helpful and friendly community of traders. My level 1 training was an exceptional value and I am looking forward to level 2 this fall."

Chris M. (CA)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Was a silver member for about a month and then enrolled in Level 1. the course material is very good. the tech services to bring the material to me and allow discussion is really quite amazing. Who really needs a classroom. My personal life is busy, two little kids, wife and job. Level 1 material (text, video, assignments, and tutorials) does require your time and attention. I am on week 6 now and I feel I am just keeping up with the course. It seems now the material is becoming more exciting as we move into specific indicators."

Adrian H. (DE)

Level 1

"Despite what they say Brian did manage to teach this old dog some new tricks, and some very profitable ones at that. Before beginning his course I was the man his website was speaking to when it asked if I “ever wondered what all those squiggely lines chartists use actually mean?” I was completely new to trading and had never even heard of a candlestick. Today I have a trading toolkit full of technical tools and actually get excited rather than nervous when price moves in the direction opposite to what could be expected because now I see opportunity in it. He is a great teacher and mentor who oversaw my progress every step of the way, always available for a one-on-one tutorial or a quick question in the website chatroom. That is perhaps the greatest value for students – Brian takes a personal interest in everyone’s development, it matters to him that we improve. And for what he offers the price of the courses represents exceptional value. Sign up!!"

Jacob P (GB)

Level 2

"Investing in my TRI education has been of the best investments I've made. Having had no previous trading experience, in under 10 months Brian has guided me to the point where I am now feeling confident I have the skill set to day trade. It is clear Brian's sole purpose is to help us all succeed as traders and I feel privileged to have him as teacher. Make no mistake, it's a two way relationship. You will be given all the tools to build your dream house, but are you willing to put in the hard work and dig your foundations? If the answer is yes, TRI is for you. The TRI community is without doubt some of the most helpful people you will meet. The 1+1=3 mantra that is carried by everyone is extremely motivational and rewarding. I've made life long friends on opposite sides of the world and found another who lived a mile away from me. It's a pleasure to work in such an environment."

Oscar R. (US)

Level 1

"I started trading crypto and saw a potential for profit but I also saw that I needed the proper training so that I could make at least a little bit of $$ instead of losing a lot of it. That's when I found TRI. I first discovered Brian by trying to educate myself with the Coinigy Tutorials that Brian recorded a few years back. Fast-forward and today I actually know what I'm doing. I'm losing a little bit (instead of losing a lot thanks to Risk Management) if it's a losing trade, but I'm making a lot on winning trades. I'm also now expanding into trading other assets in addition to crypto."

Joe Z. (US)

Level 1

"Before I came to TRI I lost $10,000 attempting to trade futures. Then I saw crypto currency and wanted to trade it. I realized I needed some education. After watching some Coinygy tutorials hosted by Brian, I joined TRI. TRI was the best investment I ever made. What I learned in the level 1 class will return my lost $10,000 many times over. Thanks Brian and TRI for all you do to educating people in the best way to trade and succeed."

Roberto G. (MX)

Level 1

"Very straight forward, instructors have done a great job teaching complex subjects making them look easy. Great instructors, great course, just love it."

Gary W. (US)

Level 1

"Learn to trade professionally from a 30+ year trader, who has a passion for sharing his knowledge and a great ability to teach. You will learn skills, access resources, and join a community that will enable you to achieve financial independence. It takes commitment on your part of course, and not everyone has the brass to live the trader's life. But if it is what you want, this is the best place to embark on such a journey."

Ciarán (IE)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Before TRI I was on the outside of the financial system looking in at the chaos that existed with no idea how to put it all together. Going through the level 1 program so far has organised that chaos and gives you a perspective from the inside. Its then up to you what you want to do with that information. Knowing where you are in the financial system has a huge benefit because if you are not on the inside you have to be on the outside and you can be sure that most insiders don't lose at this game. The community that has been built at TRI is very special and everyone strives to help everyone else succeed but you have to remember at the end of the day its up to you, this is not a get rich quick situation you will need to work and learn and adapt to the information to make it work for you. I am looking forward to the level 2 program later this year this is only the very beginning for me but I look forward to what the future holds being here in TRI."

Grow D (GB)

Silver Member

"I’ve been a altcoin trader for over 2 years and joining Brian’s site is one of the single best investments I have made in all that time. The chat room is full of fellow like minded traders and the positive attitude is the best part about the community. As traders we all know how lonely this job can be and having like minded people to talk to can make the difference between a bad day and felling down or a good day and feeling positive, All you fellow Alt traders will recognise that its hard to keep a track of every coin on the market and the group helps massively by having lots of eyes open to scour the market, meaning that I will get alerts on coins that I may have missed normally! I also love that Brian is on hand all the time to give advice about any trades I’m interested in and the currency/stock market picks make the site such value for money….If you want to learn about trading look no further than the Rational Investor…this guy really knows his stuff!"

Stephen T. (US)

Level 3 Alumnus

"Before I signed up for the School I had been treading water, running my emotions ragged, and basically losing hope of ever making a living off of the market. During the school, I was given not only a ton of useful information, but practical hands-on time to apply it to real trading situations via the once a week tutorials with Brian. Never short for an anecdote containing a powerful lesson, Brian is very easy to listen to and learn from. And for knowing so much, his patience is rather remarkable for virtual newbies like myself. Im pretty sure I was under-charged for the School with the amount of one-on-one time I got with Brian and all the trading “pearls” he throws at you. Where else could I have received such a quality level of teaching by a seasoned professional? The school has completely changed my perspective of the market. My current inner trader would cringe at what my past self would have done. Trading has suddenly become a productive use of my time and no longer a drain on my emotions. I cannot wait to start Unit 2. Enroll in the school, you wont regret it if you are serious about trading."

Shane S. (CA)

Level 2

"Brian is no ordinary market mentor; his teachings are relevant and intelligent; inspirational and transformational. He will turn you into a confident trader. I left the program with a much better understanding of the financial markets and a strong foundation for the key components of a successful trading system. Thanks to Brian, I now have a solid trading plan with risk management in place, and I approach the market in a whole new way. But most of all, Brian cares about each and every one of his students and worked with me every step of the way to transform me into a confident and capable trader. I can honestly say that the Rational Investor’s trading program has helped me tremendously and has been a fantastic experience; I highly recommend the Rational Investor School and Site for new and even advanced traders. It was the best trading decision I’ve ever made."

Ryan (US)

Silver Member

"Thanks for the analysis ! You see things other TA’s don’t … let alone the traditional public. For them its almost an out of body experience when the market follows the analysis. It’s like seeing ghost or something lol."

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